Wednesday, February 02, 2011

WED 2/2: Film, Classical, Acoustic, Rock

There are things scheduled tonight, and I assume some of them will actually happen...

I'll update items if I find out (altough it doesn't hurt to check the event page, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

If you don't like the psychedelic Nixon, I was almost going to use a big rooster flyer.


WED 2/2

"Back Vocal": Screening w/ Saeed Shahram
at Berklee Media Lab, 150 Mass Ave, Boston (Back Bay)

In another example of weird religion-based rules, Iranian women are forbidden to sing unaccompanied.

This 40-minute documentary tells the story of three Iranian women who struggle to be heard. I like how director Mojtaba Mirtahmasb is quoted as saying about official sanctioning, "I knew from the beginning that such a film would not get permission to be screened, so I never applied for a permit."

Film composer Saeed Shahram will lead a post-film discussion.

In Farsi/Persian with English subtitles

WED 2/2

NEC Philharmonia
at Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston (New England Conservatory/Fenway)


Corigliano, "Fantasia on an Ostinato"
Mozart, "Symphony No.39, K.543, E-flat major"
Schumann, "Symphony No.4, op.120, D minor"
It's a mix of old and new in tonight's performance.

John Corigliano's 1986 piece seems pretty damn fresh compared to a couple classics by Mozart and Schumann. Still the program notes say that "Fantasia..." is a minimalist experiment based on Beethoven's 7th symphony.

Sounds interesting, and it's free classical music!

WED 2/2

Davina Yannetty (11pm), Xenia Dunford (10:05pm), Dann Russo w/ Casey Sullivan (9:10pm), Emily Newton (8:15pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$6 / 18+

Who knows why Dann Russo is the only dude performing tonight with 4 female singer-songwriters. (I did find it interesting that he's a 'popular' performer on Second Life...) It's a strong lineup, and I especially turn my thumbs up for the witty, ukulele-toting Davina Yannetty.


WED 2/2

Chandler Travis Philharmonic, Jen Kimball
at Lizard Lounge/Cambridge Common, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge (between Harvard Sq & Porter Sq)
$5 / 21+


While Chandler Travis reigns over the summer Cape music scene with The Incredible Casuals, he normally plays in the Boston area backed by his 'Philharmonic'.

The CTP debuted 15 years ago at the Lizard Lounge, so why not celebrate with a Wednesday residency. I happen to love his wacky brand of genre-skipping good-time rock. There should be something different happening every week.

WED 2/2

Rocking Horse Rodeo, Pariah Beat
at Milky Way Lounge/Bella Luna, 284 Amory St, Jamaica Plain (The Brewery Complex)
$5 / 21+

It seems like Pariah Beat hasn't played in the area for a while. Maybe it's a return to regular offerings of punkish gypsy-style folkiness, or maybe you need to get a listen now while you have the chance. The fun continues with some sweet alt-country from Rocking Horse Rodeo

WED 2/2

Skimask, Hunnie Bunnies
at Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge (near Central Sq)

It's too bad this gig is happening inside, because I think the double-barrel blast of live, loud, 'n noisy rock might be able to melt snow. At least they could probably make people play and move around in it.

A couple of the Doomstar! guys are doing this monthly night where they play old soul and psych records while inviting people to perform live. It's currently 'on' for tonight, and people of all hipness quotients are welcome.


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