Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cheap Places to Live (Mostly Non-Boston)

Yep, Yogaville
Everyone knows about the state of the economy, and it seems like more and more people are hopping on the "cheap" train that I've been advocating for years. (It feels weird to be on the cutting edge of a trend...)

I was listening to the radio, and they were talking about cheap shelter at an ashram called Yogaville. In some ways it didn't sound better than living with your parents (at least you can sneak a shag at home with getting kicked out), but it wouldn't be bad to have plenty of meditation in one's life.

The web version had a side list called "Other Places You Can Live Free (Almost)", so I thought I'd pass it on.

They don't vouch for any of these entities, so obviously neither do I. Most of these places aren't close to Boston, but I'm pretty sure there is some organized couchsurfing going on in the area...

Enota Mountain Retreat
Offers a volunteer work-exchange program in Georgia

Himalayan Institute
Work-exchange yoga program in Honesdale, Pa.

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Free summer work practice around San Francisco

Green Gulch Farm
Residential practice on an organic farm in Marin County, Calif.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm
Work-study program in Grass Valley, Calif.

SonoMa Ashram
Work-exchange residential program in Sonoma, Calif.

Joshua Tree Retreat Center
Offers board in exchange for gardening and maintenance work

Organic Farms Across U.S
List of farms, many of which offer work-exchange programs

Starland Retreat
A budget retreat in the Mojave Desert primarily for gay men

National Couch Surfing Organization
A community of couch surfers who help each other out with places to stay when traveling


jamdealie said...

great post!

rob v said...


I hope no one leaves Greater Boston, but...
