Everyone has told you, but did you remember to move your clocks back an hour? Stay out an hour later tonight, and you won't even feel it...
It's just a dollar over $10, so I have to mention that Future of The Left is playing at TT's. If you liked McLusky, two of the guys are in this band. It's got the same attitude but the third apparently added a big part of the charm. (They made Wales proud...)
SUN 11/1
10am to 4pm
Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
At Reggie Lewis Athletic Center, 1350 Tremont St, Boston (near Roxbury Crossing T)
There are a lot of free samples and -- as a guy who eats meat -- 99% were delicious when I went. As with most of these free public events, it's best to go early to avoid the crowd -- BUT some people might not realize that they added a Sunday session this year.
A majority of exhibitors seem to be food-related. Other tables are selling or distributing stuff that might appeal to the modern vegetarian.
Make the trip to Roxbury worth more than organic ice cream or peanut butter and listen to some ideas about health, nutrition, or vegetarian holiday entertaining.
SUN 11/1
Noon to 6pm
Annual South Boston Open Studios
At Various Locations in Southie
When I went down to the Southie Open Studios, someone asked us where we were from. When my lady said, "Cambridge," she asked if we brought our passports. Those Southie townies are so funny!
That stop isn't on the schedule this year, and the artists in The Distillery are just as damn cool and eccentric as you'd expect. There's a lot of cool people doing interesting work in there. You might even see the remnant of decadent Halloween parties...
I had my fill of art after that building, but there's more to see. You could even start at Norman Crump's studio and go the other way...
SUN 11/1
1pm to 4:30pm
Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead
at Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Ave, Cambridge (Harvard campus)
$9 / $7 seniors, students / $6 under 18
Dia de los Muertos has always seemed cooler than Halloween. The skeleton artwork edges out lame costumes in my book. The activities and presentations are geared towards kids, but it's cool stuff. The cost above is admission to the museum, which is connected to the Harvard Museum of Natural History so you can also see the glass flowers and crazy fossils, etc.
(For an extra $5, you can make a 'sugar skull'.)
Every Sunday, MA residents can get in for free until noon...
Do we even need to say this is SO much better than "Boondock Saints 2"?!?
SUN 11/1
Benefit for Danny Hauser
Superpower (11:15pm), The Flooding (10:20pm), Chinstrap (9:20pm), Dashboard Jesus (8:20pm), Totem (7:30pm), Derek Rando (7pm)
at Church, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston (Fenway)
$10 /21+
Do you remember the story of of Danny Hauser? He was the kid from Minnesota who had Hodgkin Lymphoma; he and his family didn't want to go forward with the most current medical treatment. When they ran away for a while, there was some conjecture that Billy Best (who works at Church) was hiding them. (Maybe he helped; he offered.)
For Billy, he survived without chemotherapy. Danny went back home and has been improving with conventional treatment. Whatever works, but the Hauser family is racking up major medical bills. If you want to rock out and help out at the same time, this is the show. Totem and Derek Rando have got some decent stuff, and the rest of the bands throw down the hammer in a hardcore way. Especially SuperPower is a force to experience.
The above times may be off, but this is based on the venue schedule.
Of course there will be raffles and a silent auction with cool stuff including Obama inauguration prints signed by Shepard Fairey.
SUN 11/1
Ten Foot Pole Cats, Mr. Nick & The Dirty Tricks, The Tokyo Tramps, Li'l Stevie and The Westsiders, The Mighty Houserockers
at Johnny D's, 17 Holland St, Somerville (Davis Sq)
For 3 weeks, you've got company for the "Sunday blues"... The Boston Blues Society is hosting "Blues Challenge 2009" with 10 bands competing for the blues finals on 11/15 to represent New England at the "International Blues Challenge" in Memphis. It should be a good time for the equivalent of "American Blues Idol".
You could go early for the weekly blues jam with Monster Mike Welch that starts at 4:30pm.
SUN 11/1
National Novel Writing Month
at any keyboard you can find
FREE / 13+
Have you ever wanted to write a novel? Ever needed a thinly veiled excuse to get your story out? NaNoWriMo!
The idea is to write. Keep writing all month, and end up with 175 pages or 50,000 words by the end of the month. Write, write, write! Edit it in December.
It doesn't cost anything to sign up on the website, but donations are gladly accepted. If you do it, there's a sense of accomplishment. If you don't make it all the way, then at least you've got something to work with...
Even if it's crap, it's better than watching most of the shit on TV.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
SUN 11/1: Veggies, Art, Rock, Blues, Writing
Posted by
rob v
10/31/2009 11:30:00 PM
Labels: midweek extra
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sneak Peek: SAT 10/31
Salem is such a madhouse this time of year... Get your kicks around Boston.
For those not into Halloween can visit the artists of Southie or go to the Veggie Fest.
SAT 10/31 & SUN 11/1
10am to 6pm
Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
At Reggie Lewis Athletic Center, 1350 Tremont St, Boston (near Roxbury Crossing T)
SUN 11/1: 10am to 4pm
Eat your vegetables -- sample them in new and delicious ways. Expanded to 2 days, so cross your fingers that the public will spread out...
See if there is a speaker or info session that interests you. There's even some vegan comedy at 4:15pm on Saturday by Myq Kaplan and Zach Sherwin.
SAT 10/31 & SUN 11/1
Noon to 6pm
Annual South Boston Open Studios
At Various Locations in Southie
It's really a short walk from Broadway T to The Distillery, then King Terminal and Norman Crump Studio are pretty close.
SAT 10/31
4pm to Midnight
Great Pumpkin Beer Festival
at Cambridge Brewing Company, One Kendall Square, Cambridge
$10 = Souvenir Glass & 16 oz. of beer
CBC is offering 6 pumpkin-flavored brews, and there are 15 more pumpkin beers from ther breweries.
You start out with 4 beer tickets that are worth 4 ounces of beer. Additional booze costs $5 per 4 beer tickets.
SAT 10/31
Annual Halloween Bike Ride
meet outside Green Street T Stop, about 150 Green St, Jamaica Plain
FREE / All Ages
Imagine the type of fun-loving, free-spirit types that would ride all around town in costume. You don't have to wear a costume or decorate your bike, but you should. The ride starts around 8:30 and goes about 14 miles at an easy pace with some hills.
The route is a secret until you get there, but you'll head to Brookline, Boston, Allston, and Cambridge before returning to JP by 11:45pm for a group visit to JP Lick's.
"Costumes, helmets and lights are encouraged."
SAT 10/31
Ryan Adams Tribute Band by Zac Taylor & Friends
at Cafe 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston (Back Bay)
Drunk Ryan Adams would riot at a no-alcohol venue. Sober Ryan Adams would say something poetically positive, and be a little boring. You figure out what you want.
SAT 10/31
The Cover Up: "Kidz Rock"
at Lizard Lounge/Cambridge Common, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge (between Harvard Sq & Porter Sq)
$8 advance / $10 / 21+
Feat: Brendan Boogie & The Best Intentions, Larry Banilow, Dylan and The Movies, Apple Betty, Schooltree, Ashley & the Pussy Cats
I think classic children's music can offer plenty of fun. Expect tunes from The Muppets, Schoolhouse Rock, Willy Wonka, The Wizard of Oz, etc.
Even though I might not be there, I'm kinda hoping that Ashley from Boston Band Crush and her friends will be dressed just like the Pussycats.
Who knows what Schooltree will sing, but it includes members of Steamy Bohemians & Valhalla Kittens for a naughty treat.
SAT 10/31
Innerpink & friends as Guns N Roses, Amigazo as Black Sabbath, 66 Breakout
at Midway Cafe, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain
$8 / $5 with costume / 21+
Are you in the mood for metal? Someone with Innerpink better be wearing a top hat! Amigazo already sounds a bit like Black Sabbath. 66 Breakout play a lot of classic blues tunes, but it's cranked up.
SAT 10/31
Brownboot as Rod Stewart & Small Faces (Midnight), Bean Pickers Union as The V-Roys (11pm), The Gilded Splinters as Hank Williams (10pm)
at Toad, 1912 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Porter Sq)
Brownboot is another collaboration between Jordan Valentine & Rodrigo Van Stoli who did something together for a Black Crowes night. (Update: It sounds really good and fun!)
If I were you, I'd catch Sarah Borges at 7pm.
SAT 10/31
Erin Harpe & Jim Countryman, The Weisstronauts
at Rosebud Bar & Grill (behind Diner), 381 Summer St, Somerville (Davis Sq)
$5 / 21+
Delta blues and fun-lovin' instrumental rock with everyone in costumes.
Guess what? Costumes are... encouraged.
SAT 10/31
Annual Halloween Horror Double-Feature / Marathon
at Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline
$10 Double Feature; $20 Marathon
The double-feature is: "The Blob" (1988) and "Night Of The Creeps". You can stay up all night to watch 4 more 'secret' movies for $10 more.
You might find it hard to believe there will be a costume contest.
Live rock punkabilly and metal by Wicked Whiskey & Razormaze (as W.A.S.P.)
Overnight parking passes available for $5.
Posted by
rob v
10/30/2009 05:49:00 PM
Labels: sneak peek
FRI 10/30: Art, Fire, Walk, Rock, Laughs
I'm getting tired of including a note that "costumes are encouraged." If you go anywhere today or tomorrow, just assume that you can get dressed up and pretend to be someone (or something) else.
[Sorry about the post order... This was buried a few entries down. -rob]
FRI 10/30
6pm to 8pm
Opening Reception:
Jason O'Keefe, "Monsters On My Mind"
Marielle Sinclair, "Dust Collectors"
Tom Dupere, "Heroes For Ghost"
Stones, "Fuzzy Nightmares"
at Space 242, 242 E Berkeley St, 2nd Fl, Boston (South End)
You can probably still RSVP for tonight. The beer still flows fairly well, and the art is always interesting. This has the makings of a cool exhibit -- and a good first stop of the night.
Jason O'Keefe and Marielle Sinclair each work in sculpture; but their materials include wax, duct tape, fabric, wire, and hair to create some strange objects. Tom Dupere and Stones mostly paint on wood and other non-canvas materials.
Have you ever been to Medieval Manor? Space 242 is in the front of the building.
FRI 10/30
Iron Pour
at MassArt Courtyard, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston (The Fens)
FREE / All Ages
Feat: The Body, The White Mice, Bad Dream, Bear Hug
It might depend on your level of pyromania, but even sane people will think this is a pretty cool event. While you wait for the molten metal, people are throwing fire around in a variety of styles as bands play. The music seems like intense stuff, which seems appropriate for Devil's Night.
Eventually they start pouring the iron into various shapes, and the sparks fly. And it's really beautiful.
If it gets crowded in the courtyard, they don't seem to discourage people from finding a window view from above. I prefer getting as close as possible for maximum coolness factor. What's a few burning embers between friends...?
FRI 10/30
7pm to 9pm
All Hallow's Eve Walk
at Valley Gates Parking Lot, Circuit Dr, Boston (Franklin Park, between Playstead and Golf Course)
FREE / All Ages
For something completely different than an iron pour, you could go for a nighttime walk with the moon as your only light. It could even get a little creepy, especially being with strangers who are walking in the woods on a Friday night...
"No flashlights allowed. Wear good walking shoes."
For more information and/or RSVP, email or call 617-442-4141.
I wish they still had a decent map on their website, but here is a PDF map of the park.
FRI 10/30
Scott Bishop (Midnight), Topheavy (11pm), Old Jack (10pm), I Pistol (9pm)
at Cantab Underground / Club Bohemia, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$8 / $5 with costume
Halloween's super-tasty power-popping, brain-eating rock party with four bands who pump out some the catchiest stuff in town. I'd consider going to a show if any of these bands were on the bill, but here are wall-to-wall goodness -- er... I mean pure evil!
Bands will be wearing costumes. You could win a prize for your costume and -- even better -- get a discount for getting in the spirit.
FRI 10/30
The Daily Pravda (Radiohead), Televandals (The Clash), The Honors (The Smiths), Lindsey Starr & the Chemical Smiles (The Sounds)
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$10 / 21+
Just to show you that the Halloween-band-switcheroo doesn't get old, The Pill is hosting their 7th annual party.
The Daily Pravda are supposed to be doing early Radiohead before they got experimental. Although they've appeared before (Bowie in '07, Suede in '06), it looks like a 'tribute' has never been repeated. I'm shock they haven't had someone do The Smiths yet... There could be a lot of memorable moments. Anything associated with The Clash is cool, and Televandals are hot right now.
When not hearing homage to three awesome bands and one cool Swedish band, you'll hear the dancingest rock around.
I bet people will be dressed up (as hipsters at the very least).
FRI 10/30
Union Square Round Table: "Lives Were Ruined By It"
at PA's Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville (Union Sq)
$8 -- 21+ / $11 -- 18+
This is a pretty fun and funny way to spend an occasional Friday. You may get a feeling that the weird, talented guy down the street has assembled a bunch of his friends to put on a variety show in a basement. It's not a basement, and there's an adjoining bar with reasonably priced drinks.
Tonight's theme being "Lives Were Ruined By It", I think this might be the least "Halloween" gig of the night.
Probably featuring: Chris Braiotta, Nick Branigan, Steven Derocher, Marian Didio, Keira Horowitz, Caitlin Roy, TD Sidell
Musical guest: Thick Shakes, who will probably just rawk out as themselves.
FRI 10/30
Tori Pyne as Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem
at Porter Belly's, 338 Washington St, Brighton (Brighton Center)
FREE / 21+
Muppet Rock -- inspired choice, if you ask me -- pre-Halloween Show. Lotsa potential here. Just think about the drummer dressed like Animal. I'd like to think that all the sexy nurses will rip their clothes off when they play "Mahna Mahna"...
FRI 10/30
Cathy Cathodic, Shepherdess
at Plough & Stars, 912 Mass. Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
There's a lot of female energy. It seems like Cathy Cathodic is not just rapping but is in the midst of a performance art piece. She decorates the stage area and the raps push the envelope in comical and serious ways. The name "Shepherdess" denotes a woman in charge, but being a female-fronted band isn't the prominent feature in my mind. I dig the slightly askew, catchy songs couched edgy indie-rock.
Posted by
rob v
10/30/2009 10:06:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween Cheapness, Part 1: Music
There are plenty of Halloween-y gigs on Friday and Saturday. Some are pretending to be other bands, and the others could be might be full of costumed drunks. It may be cloudy tonight, but it's a full moon. So go wild and be unrecognizable...
This is far from a comprehensive list. As usual, it's just what I think will be worthwhile and cheap.
FRI 10/30
Iron Pour
at MassArt Courtyard, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston (near The Fens)
FREE / All Ages
Feat: The Body, The White Mice, Bad Dream, Bear Hug
Fire & bands! It's more about watching the fire-dancers and the iron pour, but there is music... Wander around or follow someone, and you'll find the courtyard.
FRI 10/30
Scott Bishop (Midnight), Topheavy (11pm), Old Jack (10pm), I Pistol (9pm)
at Cantab Underground / Club Bohemia, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$8 / $5 with costume
Halloween's super-tasty power-popping, brain-eating rock party.
Bands will be wearing costumes. You could win a prize for your costume and -- even better -- get a discount for getting in the spirit.
FRI 10/30
The Daily Pravda (Radiohead), Televandals (The Clash), The Honors (The Smiths), Lindsey Starr & the Chemical Smiles (The Sounds)
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$10 / 21+
This is The Pill's 7th annual Halloween Show & Dance Party. The Daily Pravda will cover early Radiohead before they got experimental. Anything associated with The Clash is cool, and Televandals are hot right now.
"DJs Ken & Michael V spinning Britpop, Modern Indie & beyond."
FRI 10/30
Tori Pyne as Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem
at Porter Belly's, 338 Washington St, Brighton (Brighton Center)
FREE / 21+
Muppet Rock -- inspired choice, if you ask me -- pre-Halloween Show. Lotsa potential here. I'd like to think that all the slutty nurses will rip their clothes off when they play "Mahna Mahna"...
FRI 10/30
Cathy Cathodic, Shepherdess
at Plough & Stars, 912 Mass. Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
Cathy Cathodic normally wears creative costumes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SAT 10/31
The Cover Up: "Kidz Rock"
at Lizard Lounge/Cambridge Common, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge (between Harvard Sq & Porter Sq)
$8 advance / $10 / 21+
Feat: Brendan Boogie & The Best Intentions, Larry Banilow, Dylan and The Movies, Apple Betty, Schooltree, Ashley & the Pussy Cats
Like the Muppets, I think classic children's music can offer plenty of fun.
Even though I might not be there, I'm kinda hoping that Ashley from Boston Band Crush and her friends will be dressed just like the Pussycats.
Who knows what Schooltree will sing, but it includes members of Steamy Bohemians & Valhalla Kittens for a naughty treat.
SAT 10/31
Ryan Adams Tribute Band by Zac Taylor & Friends
at Cafe 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston (Back Bay)
Drunk Ryan Adams would riot at a no-alcohol venue. Sober Ryan Adams would say something poetically positive, and be a little boring. You figure out what you want.
SAT 10/31
Innerpink & friends as Guns N Roses, Amigazo as Black Sabbath, 66 Breakout
at Midway Cafe, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain
$8 / $5 with costume / 21+
Are you in the mood for metal? Someone with Innerpink better be wearing a top hat! Amigazo already sounds a bit like Black Sabbath. 66 Breakout play a lot of classic blues tunes, but it's cranked up.
SAT 10/31
Girl on Top (Midnight), The Coffin Lids (11pm), Spitzz as The Cramps (10pm), The Varmints (9pm)
at Cantab Underground / Club Bohemia, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
Nancy Neon's (who has a lot of stuff on her MySpace) garage-rock Halloween Party
Spitzz do a really good Cramps impersonation, and this might be The Coffin Lids' favorite time of the year.
SAT 10/31
Die Young, Baltimoroder, Dpony (feat. "Zambri girls")
at O'Brien's, 3 Harvard St, Allston
FREE / 21+
Free, edgy dance party... Readings(?) by Mike D... "Suprise Guest"...
SAT 10/31
Brownboot / Rod Stewart & Small Faces, Bean Pickers Union / The V-Roys, The Gilded Splinters / Hank Williams
at Toad, 1912 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Porter Sq)
Brownboot is another collaboration between Jordan Valentine & Rodrigo Van Stoli who did something together for a Black Crowes night.
If I were you, I'd catch Sarah Borges at 7pm.
SAT 10/31
Erin Harpe & Jim Countryman, The Weisstronauts
at Rosebud Bar & Grill (behind Diner), 381 Summer St, Somerville (Davis Sq)
$5 / 21+
Delta blues and fun-lovin' instrumental rock with everyone in costumes.
Guess what? Costumes are... encouraged.
Posted by
rob v
10/29/2009 11:33:00 PM
Labels: halloween, midweek extra, music
THUR 10/29: talks, Dance, Film, Rock
I can't believe we're on the cusp of Halloween already. It's not my favorite day of the year, but I know others get into it. I'll see about putting up some ideas later...
There are more items on the calendar, but I've decided to pare things down a bit, including a couple free movies at BU.
Not so cheap: Tonight's talk "World of the Dead: The Egyptian Afterlife" about the MFA's new exhibit is free with museum admission ($20); they're open until 9:45pm tonight, so you can go through the exhibit afterwards. The Phoenix praised it...
THUR 10/29
6pm to 8pm
Gladys Monterroso, "The Day That Changed My Life Forever: A Guatemalan Torture Survivor Speaks Out on Violence, Impunity, and Immigration Reform"
at Room S020, Center for Govt & Intl Studies - South, 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge (Harvard campus)
I read a Washington Post article about Gladys Monterroso, and I was amazed by a story you'd think only still happens in movies.
She is a law professor in Guatemala who is also married to the country's human rights ombudsman. Practically on the eve of her husband presenting his first damning on police abuses, she was kidnapped, beaten, and raped before being dumped in a park that night.
"Opportunity for questions and comments to follow presentation."
THUR 10/29
6pm, 7pm, 8pm
"Movement at the Mills"
at Mills Gallery, Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston (South End)
Feat: Accumulation Dance, lizroncka/Real-Time Performance Project, Urbanity Dance
Three is the magic number as 3 dance groups will simultaneously perform 3 times (on the hour) on 3 stages/rooms.
I don't know how this wouldn't entertain anyone, at least for a little while. The idea is to walk around and check out the different groups, so the performers and audience are both moving.
THUR 10/29
6:30pm to 8pm
"Autism: Looking Beyond Cause and Cure": Discussion
at C. Walsh Theater, Suffolk University, 55 Temple St, Boston (Beacon Hill)
If you're interested to know more about autism, this panel should be enlightening:
Susan M. Wilczynski is Executive Director of the National Autism Center, Brenda Smith Myles is an author who has written books and articles on the subject, and Jim Brett is the current chair of the Governor's Commission on Developmental Disabilities.
THUR 10/29
"Color of Cannibals": Screening
at Enormous Room, 567 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
I remember talking to the director of this flick as I was watching a Davis-Sq-to-The-Cellar zombie march, and he seemed like your average low-budget-horror-auteur from the woods of Maine. It's supposedly the Cambridge debut of the 45-minute zombie movie.
I recall him filming that night, so all you zombies might be in the movie! It's no Ben Affleck production, but...
THUR 10/29
Beantown Boozehounds, Faulty Conscience, The Scrapes, Graverobbers From Outer Space, Steve the Farmer & the Murder Balladeers
at Church, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston (Fenway)
$9.50 advance / $10 door / 21+
For the most part, it's a punk-rock line-up. The Boozehounds and Faulty Conscience are fine specimens of Boston punk. The Scrapes include the rhythm section from Gang Green, so think about that! "Graverobbers From Outer Space" got together to specifically do a Misfits tribute set tonight. Steve the Farmer & the Murder Balladeers kicking things off in a rootsy vein. (Would you expect something else from a group with that name?)
Of course there's a costume contest, so dress up. Halloween is just a couple days away.
THUR 10/29
8pm to 10pm
Stephen Dubner, "Super Freakonomics": Discussion
at First Parish Church, 3 Church St, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
$5 (tix available at Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave -- or by phone: 617-661-1515)
Dude. I won't try to convince you to read this stuff, but these guys come to some really interesting and plausible conclusions about all sorts of topics.
THUR 10/29
"The Name Of This Band Is The Talking Heads" (Midnight), "Robert Palmer Robert Palmer" (11pm), Preacher Roe / The Replacements (10pm), Heavens To Murgatroid / The Who (9pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
Besides rock shows with costume contests, there are wall-to-wall tribute shows. I can't get too excited about these things anymore -- and I don't remember ever being very excited, but it's a fun idea for one-off shows any time of the year.
The Talking Heads, Robert Palmer, The Replacements, The Who... That would be a killer show! These bands have a lot of material to choose from each of the artists.
The "Talking Heads" are a collection of players from Mean Creek, Polarbaron, and Campaign For Real Time. (Don't ask me who from which...)
"Robert Palmer Robert Palmer" will be fronted by dualing Robert Palmers: John Powhida and the singer from The Upper Crust.
If there was a full-time Replacements tribute band, I'd consider listing all their gigs. Preacher Roe can do justice to the material.
Posted by
rob v
10/29/2009 06:23:00 PM
Labels: midweek extra
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
WED 10/28: Talk, Film, Rap, Pop, Rock
I mentioned it last week, but I walked by the "Diet Coke Pop-Up Kitchen" the other night. It was closed, but they decorated an empty storefront near McDonalds. I don't drink the stuff, but you can get a free sample, a snack, maybe shwag, and other crap.
WED 10/28
Sarah Vowell, "The Wordy Shipmates": Reading
at Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston (Copley Sq)
The witty essayist and nasal-voiced commentator from " target="_blank"This American Life" points her ironic and political attention towards the Puritans of New England and how they shaped American history and values.
Sarah was here for "Wordy Shipmates" last October, so perhaps we didn't buy enough copies afterwards...? Or maybe she just wants to tell us another story or two...
WED 10/28
"The Yes Men Fix The World": Screening & Discussion
at Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline
$9 / $6 senior, child
The Yes Men will be in attendance to introduce the film and participate in a Q&A.
There's a humor with a purpose that I call "tweaking the nipple". The Yes Men are non-physical nipple tweakers who target the rich and powerful, and they certainly deserve a good tweaking. If the "Jackass" guys were aware of current events or if Michael Moore wasn't so pedantic, you might have other versions of The Yes Men.
The Teachers section on the movie's site is meant to help teachers plan a lesson after showing the movie but could be used as tips to would-be activists.
WED 10/28
"20 Years after the Fall of the Wall: Revealing the Truth": Panel Discussion
at Photonics Center, 9th Fl, 8 Saint Mary's St, Boston (BU campus)
Before the Berlin Wall fell, singer-songwriter-poet Wolf Biermann and activist Marianne Birthler lived in East Germany who grew to oppose the government. Tonight's discussion will assess "a united Germany's future while coming to terms with the complicated past of the Stasi Regime."
If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend watching "The Lives of Others". It's a German-language film that centers around some people with nasty interactions with the Stasi, East Germany's secret police -- a category that might have included almost all East Germans. Marianne Birthler currently oversees the Stasi archives.
"In English. Reception to follow."
WED 10/28
MC Esoteric, Apathy, Bladerunners, Will C & Raheem Jamal, Blacastan
at Middle East - Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$10 / 18+
I think I'd like to listen to MC Esoteric's "Saving Seamus Ryan" CD from beginning to end. It's an album with a story that continues throughout all of the tracks, which begins with the death of his dog and things get more complicated from there. (Harrison Ford, Gary Numan, gunplay, and Spiderman comic books, etc are all referenced.)
It's a night full of local MC's and DJ's. My favorite name: Blacastan.
WED 10/28
Har Mar Superstar, Mystery Roar, Bang Bang Eche
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$10 / 18+
When Har Mar Superstar came out, I thought it was a novelty act. There's a doughy, balding guy who was breakdancing with little clothing on with music reminding me of Beck. It turns out that Har Mar had more staying power than I thought. As seen on Jimmy Fallon, he still has a strong visual presentation when fully clothed, and new music still has a retro-funkiness while sounding modern.
Mystery Roar is a bunch of local rockers doing their disco thing, and Bang Bang Eche brings the dance-punk party from New Zealand.
WED 10/28
Tiger Saw, South China, To The Wedding
at Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge (Inman Sq)
$10 (maybe $8) / All Ages
When I read that a puppet show would be involved, I didn't really care what else was happening.
Besides oodles of folky chamber-pop and indie rock, Tiger Saw mastermind Dylan Metrano has put together a "part travelogue, part studio diary, and part oral history".
As part of the celebration puppets will read passages from "All My Friends Are Right Here With Me: A Decade in the Indie Rock Underground". If you buy the book, you also get a CD of Tiger Saw covers by 13 of their friends (which is a cool idea).
I watched a video of the puppetry, and it's pretty amusing.
Posted by
rob v
10/28/2009 08:10:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Off-Topic: Funny Graph
I'm guessing a lot of people already know "Indexed", where a graph geek (my description, not hers) draws on index cards.
If I were to draw a description, it might be a Venn diagram with two circles practicaly on top of each other that are labeled "humorous" and "thought-provoking".
Posted by
rob v
10/27/2009 11:50:00 PM
TUES 10/27: Folk, Film, Burlesque, Rock
I was thinking about early shows at the Lizard Lounge, since there is a good one tonight.
Yes, these early shows are under $10, but I ponder the value that's offered. It must be a sign of the times that they used to be free until recently. (Heck, all McDonald's in Iceland are closing due to the economy.)
There are some advantages:
- Usually a top-notch artist is performing, and it's often a touring act that doesn't regularly gig in the area.On the other hand, I like hearing several bands (including something new) for my cover charge. The band-to-dollar ratio may not be an accurate measurement -- since they probably don't get an equal share -- but I do think about it.
- For almost the same cover charge of a longer late-night show, you probably get one really good set.
- You don't have to worry about missing the last T to hear the band you really like.
- You don't have to hear other bands you don't like.
When I went to a couple of those "Soul Low" free shows, they seemed short in length. I hope the performer gets to play longer.
Yes, the $6 advance ticket is a good option; and it's not an exorbitant amount. I was just thinking about it and decided to share.
TUES 10/27
Gregory Alan Isakov
at Lizard Lounge/Cambridge Common, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge (between Harvard Sq & Porter Sq)
There's nothing about Gregory Alan Isakov that deserves the rant above. For example: If Josh Ritter were playing at Lizard Lounge, most fans might pay triple. While it's impossible to quantify the emotional impact of a great song, a man of Isakov's talent could and should play at larger venue. He does in his usual Colorado 'hood.
This guy is an artist that has a strong, direct connection between his heart and his mouth and fingers. Some people sound like they're trying really hard to be deep, but that's not the case with Isakov's songs.
TUES 10/27
7pm to 9pm
"The Romantic": Screening & Discussion
at Room 120, Bldg 6, 182 Memorial Drive (Rear), Cambridge (MIT campus)
This animated feature does not look like it's aimed at the Disney crowd. Pixar fans get something darker and more twisted. As the synopsis reads:
A mythical exploration of parent-child relationships, The Romantic meditates on the ultimate lack of love in contemporary society. A fantastical satire on religion, responsibility, and romance, this animated epic bends genres into a haunting tale filled with both humor and horror.
There will be a post-screening Q&A with director/animator Michael P. Heneghan. It seems like he created much of the final product over 3 years.
TUES 10/27
Pinchbottom Burlesque, "Boudoir Of Horrors"
at The Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston (South End / Boston Center for Arts)
FREE / 21+
From what I can tell, Pinchbottom shows have more structure than most burlesque shows. Some of the performers might still have a loose connection to the theme, but give them some credit for adapting Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" to bawdy dancing!
Based in New York, Nasty Canasta and Jonny Porkpie frequently perform at The Beehive. They bring along friends like Clams Casino, Legs Malone, Ruby Valentine, and Vikki Likkerish for a "night of shocking striptease, extravagant costumes, and ghoulish go-go."
Again the drink prices aren't cheap, but think of the free admission as a $5 to $10 bar discount...
TUES 10/27
The Radio Kings
at Sally O'Brien's, 335 Somerville Ave, Somerville (Union Sq)
FREE / 21+
Hey, Goldilocks! This might be what you're looking for. This is some of the best rootsy, bluesy rock 'n roll around at a bar with reasonable drink prices.
After a long hiatus, The Radio Kings are back in business. Their MySpace doesn't list this gig, but they are listed for multiple Tuesdays on Sally O'Brien's calendar.
Posted by
rob v
10/27/2009 08:02:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra
Monday, October 26, 2009
Free Mojo Nixon mp3's
It might not happen again, but for a short while Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper filled the mainstream with freaky, subversive, funny, gutbucket rock 'n roll.
Ah, the 80's were a time that was ripe for parody -- and most of the subjects couldn't even tell. The establishment is still skewered, and some people don't get it. (Thank you, Jon Stewart!)
It was great that Mojo was getting played on MTV back in the day when people actually watched it, because he probably introduced weirdness to some little kids.
A new CD of previously unreleased material is now available. For a few more days, you can download all of his songs for free on Amazon.
From the classics like "Elvis is Everywhere", "Debbie Gibson Is Pregnant With My Two Headed Love Child", and "Don Henley Must Die" to the newly found gems like "What's Up Judge Judy's Ass", "You Gotta Be Insane to Fly In Small Private Planes", and "I Don't Want No 'Sparagus".
I'm guessing the free offer should last until at least 10/28...
Posted by
rob v
10/26/2009 09:39:00 PM
Labels: free stuff, music
MON 10/26: Talks, Songs, Rock
Honestly, I thought the weekend was going to suck weather-wise. It turned out rather nice, especially yesterday. Maybe Monday will be better than we expect...
MON 10/26
7pm to 9pm
"Propaganda City": Mike Bonanno, The Yes Men
at Bartos Theater, Wiesner Bldg, 20 Ames St, Cambridge (MIT campus)
The pranksterism of The Yes Men probably blurs the line of performance art, political protest, and satire. A documentary about their adventures is currently playing at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, and I suspect it plays like a political version of "Jackass". They're scheduled to make an appearance at the 7pm screening on WED 10/28.
Sometimes art touches you more directly than simply hanging in a museum. As part of the "City as Stage, City as Process" lecture series that explores the idea of a "city" as a dynamic and malleable entity, it looks like one of the Yes Men will discuss last year's NY Times hoax. (During the presidential campaign, they handed out a load of fake issues that claimed the Iraq War was over.)
MON 10/26
"Shrewish Conversations: Taming the Play?": Discussion & Performance
at Downstairs at The Garage, 38 JFK St, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
Did anyone know there was a performance space in the basement of the Garage? I've used the restroom once, but I don't recall seeing much more. A production of "The Taming of the Shrew" is running through SUN 11/8 somewhere below ground.
Tonight's free program will consist of a discussion with the director Melia Bensussen and English professors Yu Jin Ko (Wellesley) & Caroline Bicks (BC) that will be moderated by Diana Henderson (MIT). Some find the play misogynistic, but perhaps that's not the case?
Scenes will also be performed by Sarah Newhouse -- Kate in this production -- and Paula Langton who played the character in an all-female version.
"Complimentary food and beverages will be served."
You can reserve a seat in advance via online or phone: 617-776-2200 x225.
MON 10/26
Joshua James, Sodafrog, Manasseh David Israel
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$10 / 18+
It's singer-songwriter night, but headliner Joshua James.is touring with a full band. They're folky pop-rock is fairly catchy, and James sings in a high, clean timbre. This is stuff that have probably been featured on TV soundtracks.
I may be biased, but the highlight is local artist Sodafrog. Maybe Tom Janovitz will do a solo thing, or perhaps there'll be a fuller sound, but the songs have depth and his delivery commands attention. Berklee student Manasseh David Israel opens.
MON 10/26
The Coffin Lids, The Acrobrats, The Egos
at Charlies Kitchen, 10 Eliot St, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
$5 / 21+
Halloween celebrations always start way before I expect. These three bands played the last "Halloween Spooktacular" at the Abbey Lounge last year. The garage-rock must go on, even if the old club is dressed up as a comfort-food restaurant.
The Coffin Lids' usually play it a bit on the creepy side with horror themes in their songs, and I believe they were the anchor of many Abbey Halloween shows. This is classic garage, and I wouldn't be surprised if they dressed up as The Mummies.
Costumes are encouraged for everyone, so who knows if The Acrobrats are going to look like when pounding out hooky, bratty rock. The Egos look like they also enjoy Halloween; I've seen some goth vibe throughtout the year, and there is a spooky, reverby twist for a surfy garage sound.
Posted by
rob v
10/26/2009 07:06:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10/25: Sunday Night Off-Topic Video
This might be the funniest cartoon I've ever seen...
Posted by
rob v
10/25/2009 06:49:00 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sneak Peek -- SUN 10/25
There is a Phantom Gourmet beer & food thing at Suffolk Downs for $5 from noon to 7pm. You have to buy your food and drinks, but you can win it all back on simulcast wagering...
A load of fun and music is happening at City Hall Plaza from noon to 10pm. It's a fundraiser for suicide prevention, but you can see the bands etc for free.
Draw all day long in the South End. You don't have to produce a lot, but take the time to do something that satisfies you.
Jamaica Pond will be filled with lanterns. Watch or get involved -- that's up to you.
An awesome jazz trio is playing at the Lily Pad around 9:30pm. Joe Hunt has been drumming for so long he doesn't even have a dedicated web page.
Posted by
rob v
10/24/2009 04:20:00 PM
Labels: sneak peek
SUN 10/25: Monsters, Artists, Lanterns, Jazzbos
I mentioned the Phantom Gourmet beer & food thing at Suffolk Downs for $5 from noon to 7pm. You have to buy your food and drinks. I'm usually underwhelmed by P.G. events, but the horses will be running on the track so you can watch and win your drinking/eating money...
We Have Band looks like a more-than-buzzing electro band, and they’re at Great Scott tonight.
I think you still have a chance to win tix to Big D and the Kids Table at the Paradise.
SUN 10/25
Noon to 10pm
Monster March
at City Hall Plaza, Boston (Govt Center)
FREE to watch / Donate to participate
Johnny's List of Weird Boston Events is adding his own event that might be weird, but Johnny has put together a lot of fun stuff. A minimum donation of $30/$20 to participate in one of the walks or enjoy the rides like mechanical bulls or the velcro wall.
On the other hand, one can take in the view and listen to the bands for free:
6:15pm: KetmanProceeds benefit suicide prevention.
7pm: Jaggery
7:45pm: Thrill the World -- group “Thriller” dance
9:05pm: Casey Desmond
SUN 10/25
Noon to 8pm
Drawing Marathon #3
at Mobius, 725 Harrison Ave, South End
$10 Donation
Bring your drawing materials, and take your time drawing the still and "not so still" subjects for the whole day. Obviously you don't need to get there at noon and you don't have to stay until the end. Obviously, all levels of ability are welcome. Feel free to bring water and snacks.
No one will count your pieces or criticize your stuff (probably)...
SUN 10/25
Annual Lantern Parade
at Jamaica Pond, 507 Jamaicaway, Jamaica Plain
Even though this looks like it’s mainly a family/kids-oriented type of activity, but single adults with attitude can also enjoy themselves.
Think of it as a bunch of people walking around Jamaica Pond with handmade lanterns for your pleasure. You walk around and enjoy the different views. (Unlike the lantern party at Forest Hills, nothing goes into the water according to the plan.)
This is the 25th anniversary of the Lantern Parade, and I read they’re hoping to have 1,000 lanterns. In other years, there have been goodies and cider for sale too.
SUN 10/25
Joe Hunt Trio w/ Terry Bernhard & Bronek Suchanek
at Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge (Inman Sq)
$10 suggested donation
These guys are serious musicians. Drummer Joe Hunt has played with Bill Evans, Stan Getz, George Russell, Jim Hall, Gary Burton, and many other greats. He also taugh at Berklee for over 30 years before retiring a couple years ago. Bassist Bronek Suchanek has held down the bottom for Don Cherry, Thad Jones, Mel Lewis, etc. Pianist Terry Bernhard must obviously be more than capable.
Posted by
rob v
10/24/2009 04:19:00 PM
Labels: midweek extra
Friday, October 23, 2009
SAT 10/24: Books, Thriller, Food, Eclectic Mix
Oh, sometimes I feel like the worst blogger in the world (that cares). This was supposed to be Friday night's post... I hope you had a good time at the Boston Book Festival...
SAT 10/24
10am to 6pm
Boston Book Festival
at Boston Public Library & other Copley Sq locations
Books are awesome, and there loads of loads of presentations from a variety of authors. The most promising sessions are listed below.
I have a feeling that the outdoor Copley Square stage might not be active, but music is scheduled from 10am to 5pm.
Of course, there will be stuff like tables set up (in the BPL?) of bookish & other exhibitors.
Boston Roots
at Boston Public Library, Abbey Room
Authors of three historical novels set in and around Boston: Kathleen Kent, Jane Kamensky & Jill Lepore, John Pipkin.11:30am
Documenting History
at Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Library
Documentarians work to answer the question, “Who are we?” With Ken Burns, Scout Tufankjian, Jared Bowen.11:30am
"Book Worms and Net Crawlers"
at Trinity Church Forum
An examination of the ubiquitous internet and the explosion of social media with Ben Mezrich, Ethan Gilsdorf, David Pogue, and Jeffrey Howe.11:30am
Alicia Silverstone: "Sexiest Vegetarian Alive"
at Boston Public Library, Popular Reading Room
She probably didn't pick the title of the session; she is a lovely woman, but Silverstone was voted "Sexiest Vegetarian Alive" in 2004. She has a new book called "The Kind Diet". Hosted by Billy Costa and Matty in the Morning.12:30pm
John Hodgman interviewed by Tom Perrotta
at Old South Church Sanctuary
Need I say more?1pm
Matters of Faith
at Boston Public Library, Popular Reading Room
Cornel West talks about his new book with Prof. Harvey Cox and novelist Mary Gordon, hosted by Christopher Lydon.1:30pm
We Are The Champions
at Trinity Church Forum
Bill Littlefield chats with fellow sportswriters Jackie MacMullan & Glenn Stout about their love of the game.4pm
Poetry as Music
at Trinity Church Forum
Experience the intersection of poetry and music as Robert Pinsky reads with back-up from jazz musicians Rakalam Bob Moses and Andrew Urbina.4pm
The Obama Year
at Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Library
Michael E. Porter, David Gergen, Lani Guinier, and Jack Beatty mix it up with a frank assessment of the President’s progress on his new agenda. Tom Ashbrook moderates.4pm
Thrillers and Killers
at Boston Public Library, Popular Reading Room
Spies, operatives and terrorists: what makes them tick and why do they fascinate us? Novelists Stephen Carter, Joe Finder, and Andre Dubus III discuss. Terrorism expert Jessica Stern moderates.SAT 10/24
Destruct-a-thon (6pm), Superpower (6pm), Mob Hit (4:15pm), Buried In Leather (3:30pm)
at The Midway Cafe, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain
$8 / All Ages
It's an afternoon of hardcore metal and punk, and a chance to see the farewell show for Destruct-a-thon and Buried In Leather. Get the goat horns up!
SAT 10/24
4pm to 7pm
Annual Burmese Food Fair
at International Community Church (Downstairs), 30 Gordon St, Allston
Pay for what you eat
The year I attempted to sample this food fair, it was a bit confusing. The program in the main room did not seem Burmese at all -- for good reason. The Burmese action was happening downstairs.
Don't get there too early either. There were only two women who were watching the food, and they totally ignored me. I had a moment of timidity, so I left shortly.
Now there's a Burmese restaurant nearby, but this is probably a fundraiser for the Overseas Burmese Christian Fellowship of Boston. I was told that dishes range between $5 to $8.
SAT 10/24
myrmyr, Baba Yaga, The Glass Shivers w/ Architecture of the Sun
at Spectacle, 17 Edinboro Street #3, Boston (Chinatown)
$5 suggested donation
Experimental electro-acoustic music with some visuals...
SAT 10/24
Monique Ortiz
at Toad, 1912 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Porter Sq)
FREE / 21+
Trust me. Cambridge is the only place where you get this kind of bluesy, noir low-rock. Others may try, but Sandman discovered it and Monique Ortiz keeps mining it and finding tasty new bits and adds another dimension of sensuality that I personally never got with the early batches... Don't just wonder about the sound of two bassists with a drummer -- go and listen.
Drew Hickum & The Colonels also play some pleasant Americana at 10pm.
SAT 10/24
"Thrill The World": Thriller Dance
at Unity Church of God, 6 William St, Somerville (near Davis Sq)
FREE to Watch (but donations accepted)
Even before the 'King of Pop' passed, there has been an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's "Thriller". I might've noticed because singing-dancing man-child died, but it's happening in Somerville (and Salem & Needham).
There's not much room to for spectators in the rain location, but you can go. Dancers are asked to make a minimum donation of $5 to go to Somerville Community Corporation.
I've been told that volunteers are still welcome.
3:00 to 5:30pm -- Thriller WorkshopSAT 10/24
5:30 to 7:00pm -- Registration, Raffle, Prizes, Makeup and Costume
7:00 to 8:10pm -- Group rehearsal in costume
8:10 to 8:30pm -- Official world record sign-in
8:30 to 8:36pm -- Thrill Time!!
8:36 to 9:00pm -- Photo op and official world record sign-out
The Grownup Noise (Midnight), The Blizzard Of 78 (11pm), Bridges & Powerlines (10pm), Tik Tok (9pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
As I'm approaching 2 years of active blogging, Ryan's Smashing Life is celebrating it's third year. Congrats to them!
They're not screwing around especially by grabbing the Blizzard of '78. You (or your parents) might have been stuck in the original, but these guys make some of the best indie-pop around. If record companies still cared about finding great atlent, TBO '78 would be ruling the airwaves, and that dude from Coldplay wouldn't even have met Gwynneth Paltrow...
The Grownup Noise and Tik Tok do great stuff, but Bridges & Powerlines have got some really catchy stuff.
SAT 10/24
Beat Circus, Blood Warrior, Mr. Sister, Guillermo Sexo
at Middle East - Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$10 / 18+
What does Saturday night mean to you? Sometimes you can travel far away from home for a few hours and wake up in your bed -- or someone else's bed -- in the morning.
When I hear bands like Beat Circus or Blood Warrior, it feels like a parallel universe of deep mountain music with sophistication of old-time Paris of an ideal era that might only exists in books and movies.
Mr Sister is just wonderful sound -- it's a folky chamber thing that provides the vessel for the singers transcendent vocals that bends and moans like a Billie Holliday. Guillermo Sexo rocks out more than any of he other bands, but they have a dark sophistication that will set the mood.
Posted by
rob v
10/23/2009 05:54:00 PM
Labels: midweek extra
FRI 10/23: Beverages, Soul, Rock, Funk
Umm... This would have been up sooner, but the pilots on my flight missed the airport because they were arguing...
As I mentioned yesterday, you still have a chance to win tix to Big D and the Kids Table at the Paradise next week.
I think more weekend cheapness info will be coming.
FRI 10/23 through SUN 11/1
11am to 3pm
Diet Coke Pop-Up Kitchen
at 144 Tremont St, Boston (Boston Common)
I don't drink Diet Coke, but I know most people do.
It's difficult to say what is going on -- besides a soft drink promotion. If you're nearby, enjoy a free sample (with a free snack pairing?). You'll find giveaways, contests, activities, etc.
FRI 10/23
"Dancing in the Street: Motown, Music and Politics": Lecture & Performance
at David Friend Recital Hall, 921 Boylston St, Boston (Berklee / Back Bay)
Prof. Suzanne Smith (George Mason) explores the politics behind soul music of the '60s. Maybe "Dancing in the Streets" is a call to action -- or maybe it IS just a party song.
You're likely to listen to Motown songs with a deeper appreciation, and you'll hear a bunch of them after the lecture when Berklee Motown Ensemble gets down.
FRI 10/23
Where The Land Meets The Sea, Git Some, Talk Modern, Prize Country
at O'Brien's, 3 Harvard St, Allston
$8 / 21+
There is a whalloping amount of rock in this line-up. Where The Land Meets The Sea are hitting the road, so catch their modern, keyboard-laden rock and send them off.
Conversely Git Some and Prize Country are spreading Denver and Oregon rock (respectively), and this is in-your-face stuff. Show them we know how to rock.
I like Talk Modern too.
FRI 10/23
The Dennis Brennan Quatro
at Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville
I doubt there has ever been anyone who thought they didn't get their money's worth at a Dennis Brennan show. Firstly, the cover is never high. Secondly, Dennis and whoever's playing with him always whip up rootsy-rock with gusto and verve. This guy keeps getting better and is not slowing down. We're lucky to have Dennis Brennan playing around town.
FRI 10/23
Iyeoka & The Rock By Funk Tribe
at Alchemist Lounge, 435 S. Huntington Ave, Jamaica Plain
Hey, JP. Isn't it good to still have a bar with free live music that's not too far from the old Milky Way? The Alchemist usually has something interesting every night.
Iyeoka and her tribe seem to like it there. They are going to get funky and beautiful for a while, and you know the lyrics from an acclaimed slam poet are exceptional. We'll see if Iyeoka stays a bit mellow tonight, because she's appearing at the Boston Book Festival tomorrow at 11am.
(And there's still jazz at Costello's, right?)
Posted by
rob v
10/23/2009 06:44:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra
Thursday, October 22, 2009
10/23: Slap Your Co-worker Day
Other days are considered to be "Slap Your Irritating Co-workers Holiday", but my office is celebrating on October 23.
Sure... It says "irritating", but doesn't that apply to everyone at one time or another. (My cubicle neighbor seems to fit the definition on a daily basis.)
The rules seem to be consistent:
* You can only slap one person per hour -- no more.This blog is not responsible for any consequences relating to any participation!
* You can slap the same person again if they irritate you again in the same day.
* You are allowed to hold someone down as other co-workers take their turns slapping the irritant.
* No weapons are allowed -- other than going upside somebody's head with a stapler or a hole-puncher.
* If questioned by a supervisor (or police if the supervisor is the irritant), you are allowed to LIE, LIE, LIE!
For the record, this is going overboard:

Posted by
rob v
10/22/2009 05:30:00 PM
Labels: Adventures in Cheapness, misc, sneak peek
THUR 10/22: Art, Books, Films, Rock
Have I ever mentioned my favorite view around town? The best minute of almost any day is the Red Line ride across the Longfellow Bridge. No one was rowing this morning, and the Charles River was still to reflect the red, yellow, and orange trees along Storrow Drive.
I'd suggest taking a daytime trip -- to and/or from -- before it rains.
Hey, would you like to see Boston ska warriors Big D and the Kids Table at the Paradise next week? For free? Over at another site, Rock N Roll Boston, you have until SUN 10/25 to win tickets.
I hope a CTB reader wins. Heck, I might enter by leaving a comment...
For all you retro-beer lovers, Schlitz is bringing their old-school, "full-flavored" brew back to Boston. You may have already drank it on the Cape or somewhere else, but you should be able to starting finding it in local stores/bars. There's a kick-off event at the "gentlemen's prestige" club, Eire Pub at 4pm, and I'm guessing it won't be over at 4:30...
THUR 10/22
5:30pm to 8pm
Tobias Putrih & MOS Architects, "Without Out": Artist Talk & Opening Reception
at Bartos Theater, Wiesner Bldg, 20 Ames St, Cambridge (MIT campus)
5:30pm: Pre-reception talk with Tobias Putrih & Michael Meredith, moderated by curator Jane FarverGenerally, large sculptural pieces are interesting. Putrih often transforms mundane materials into objects that are on the verge of falling apart. I think this will be a styrofoam structure that will gradually crumble.
6pm to 8pm: Reception
Why would someone do this? If you get there early you might find out as Tobias Putrih and Michael Meredith (one of his collaborators at MOS) will speak.
THUR 10/22
Jonathan Lethem, "Chronic City": Reading
at Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline
Lethem's current novel doesn't really capture my interest, but "Motherless Brooklyn" was thoroughly enjoyable.
In between NYC appearances where he's in the midst of reading the entire book over 7 sessions, he's visitng Brookline for a more conventional reading.
THUR 10/22
Sci-Fi Movie Night: "The Time Machine"
at Phillips Auditorium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge (between Porter Sq and Fresh Pond)
Classic sci-fi with at least one real scientist to discuss it. Believe it or not, there is a physics professor who is actively attempting to go back in time.
The idea of time-travel is so fascinating. It's amazing that H.G. Wells' classic tale about a time machine was only published in 1895. If time-travel was possible, maybe someone would have trumped Wells by pubishing a version earlier than that...
THUR 10/22
Caroline Alexander, "The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War": Reading
at Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
From the author of "The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition" and "The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty", comes this historical examination of the events that culminated in Brad Pitt fighting Eric Bana...
(Yes, you're not the only one who has noticed that every book has a really long title these days.)
THUR 10/22
"An Evening of Cinema Hilarity"
at Room B-05, College of Communication, 640 Comm Ave, Boston (BU campus)
African-born Italian filmmaker Franco Sacchi currently lives in Boston. His most recent production is a documentary about the Nigerian film industry, "This is Nollywood". As you can imagine these low-budget flicks are pretty laughable. Sacchi will attend for discussion.
Also screening is schlocky cult favorite "Troll 2". There's even a documentary about fans of this specific film.
THUR 10/22
The Spinto Band (11:45pm), Pepi Ginsberg (10:45pm), Generationals (9:50pm), Travels (9pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$10 / 18+
Did you listen to the sampler below? This is the related show.
Personally, I dig The Spinto Band more than that one song. These Delaware rockers may not ever see Arctic Monkeys success, but they opened on their US tour. All of the bands have a skewed folky/rocky tunefulness, including our local band, Travels, who should get your support (or at least a listen).
THUR 10/22
Planetoid, Vagiant, Razors in the Night, Tenafly Vipers
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$9 / 18+
Some bands will always have your affections on the strength of one song. Besides being a band of rock chicks, Vagiant has my allegiance for "F--- The Kells". I've been to The Kells on the weekend, and I never wanted to go back. Vagiant has a new CD full of more punky rock that has more balls than many bands that anatomically carry them between the legs.
Check out Planetoid who specialize stoney, space-rock and dress up like aliens and robots. (I'm assuming they are not really from outer space.) Razors in the Night and Tenafly Vipers are two big scoops of Boston-style punk.
Posted by
rob v
10/22/2009 07:47:00 AM
Labels: midweek extra