Well, here's a something. This is why I decide to post the "sneak peeks". It might be quiet next week, because I'll be in L.A. -- so don't expect too much for next Friday.
FRI 1/11
* Darkbuster Lite, Pug Uglies, Welch Boys, Dead Like Death
* Big Digits, JUICEBOXXX, OH-DEE!, Rachel McAdamz
SAT 1/12
* "Psycho": Free Screening
* No Pants! Subway Ride
* Pants Off Dance Off w/ Boston Derby Dames
* Tiger Saw, Baba Yaga, The Battle of Land and Sea, Elizabeth Butters
* Count Zero, Axemunkee, Death Of The Cool, Superlow
SUN 1/13
* Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School Cabaret Life Drawing Class
* "Al's Crockpot"
* Hats and Glasses, The Gondiliers, Prince Rama of Ayodhya
MON 1/14
* Viva Viva, Drug Rug, Carter Tanton
* Eugene S. Robinson, "Fight": Reading
* Rep. Barney Frank, "We Told You So: A Liberal Perspective on 21st Century Capitalism"
* Free Ice Skating at the Frog Pond
TUES 1/15
* "Chowda Day"
* Molasses Flood Memorial Concert
* "Night Of The Hunter": Free Screening
WED 1/16
* Majora Carter, "Building Sustainable Cities"
* "Jumper": Free Screening
* Chandler Travis Philharmonic
THUR 1/17
* Todne Texeira Jazz Band
* Kimya Dawson
* Ivan Navarro, "No Man's Land": Opening Reception
* Brian Marsden, "Impact! Finding and Tracking Asteroid Threats"
FRI 1/18
* Deer Tick, Yoni Gordon & the Goods, Merganser, American Hornets
* Apple Betty, Classic Ruins, The In Out
SAT 1/19
* Lyres, The Prime Movers, The Time Beings, The Sprained Ankles
* Marah, Adam and Dave's Bloodline, AM Stereo
FRI 1/11
Darkbuster Lite (11:45pm), Pug Uglies (10:45pm), Nowhere USA (9:45pm), Dead Like Death (9pm)
at Abbey Lounge, 3 Beacon St, Somerville (Inman Sq)
FRI 1/11
Big Digits, JUICEBOXXX, OH-DEE!, Rachel McAdamz
at Black Box Theatre, Brookline High School, 115 Greenough St, Brookline
$5 / All Ages
Hip-hop disco party-time! I saw Big Digits recently, and it doesn't matter if they're joking or not -- they give 100%. Almost no one in the crowd was there to see them, and they won over more than 100 people. Yes, there must be scores of guys all around the country who bring it like them, because JUICEBOXXX is here from Milwaukee and he rocks the house. It's wall-to-wall entertainment tonight, so don't miss bitchin' crunk-tronica of Rachel McAdamz. (Don't forget to pre-game like in high school.)
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SAT 1/12
Elements of Cinema: "Psycho"
at Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
The Brattle has begun to offer something like a film appreciation class every 2nd Saturday of the month. They're showing some of the great films with a discussion afterwards. You're not paying to get in, so don't sneak in your candy & beverage... What to say about "Psycho"? It's Hitchcock, baby!
SAT 1/12
3pm to 6pm-ish
No Pants! Subway Ride
Meet at Alewife T Station, approx 135 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Cambridge (Fresh Pond)
See below for more info.
SAT 1/12
Pants Off Dance Off w/ Boston Derby Dames, 123 Party
at An Tua Nua, 835 Beacon St, Boston (near Fenway)
You like to dance -- I know you do. We haven't gone clubbing together, but everyone likes to move to music even if it's a little morsel of caveman instincts way down in there. I know some of you love karaoke. Okay... cupcakes? Roller derby???
Even if you never go (it's a fun time), isn't it good to know the sassy Derby Dames are out there representing Boston? Help support the cause, buy a cupcake. They really should start early; too bad not early enough to get the pantless crowd as they reach Kenmore Sq.
(The next BDD bout is over $10 and in Wilmington on SAT 2/9.)
SAT 1/12
Tiger Saw (11:45pm), Baba Yaga (10:45pm), The Battle of Land and Sea (9:45pm), Elizabeth Butters (8:45pm)
at PA's Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville (Union Sq)
$8 -- 21+ / $11 -- 18+
As expected, Tiger Saw is doing something different. Frontman Dylan Metrano will be backed solely by his guitar and a female choir. The Battle of Land and Sea are a pretty spectacular folk duo from the "other" Portland. Elizabeth Butters is probably a time-traveler from the early 1900's sent to remind us how entrancing the 'old-time' was.
SAT 1/12
Count Zero (12:15am), Axemunkee (11:15pm), Death Of The Cool (10:15pm), Superlow (9:15pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
Lotsa more-than-your-average guitar-elicious rock with electronica textures and top musicianship. Besides Superlow, the other bands have some connection to the awesome Count Zero who don't seem to play out often. This might be Axemunkee's first show in 2 years after traveling the world in an Edith Piaf tribute band.
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SUN 1/13
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School Cabaret Life Drawing Class
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$7 / 18+
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School started about a year ago in Brooklyn by a couple artists to get some interesting models (burlesque performers, etc) and have some fun and drinks during the 3-hour session. The models are "Johnny Blazes" and "Stud McMuffin" who should offer some gymnastic circus poses.
So get your sketchbook, drawing pad, mini-easel, stolen office paper, whatever -- and experience the coolest & cheapest life-drawing class around.
"A couple of tips: Come on time to get a seat up front. Keep it small so others can crowd in around you. Bring your stuff in a milk crate so you have something to sit on or put your stuff on. (we have lots of seats, but more is helpful) There will be some fancy paper for you to buy if you want."
There are funny contests with art & music prizes too.
SUN 1/13
"Al's Crockpot" presents "The Small Arts Group Die-Off"
at Zeitgeist-Outpost, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge (Inman Sq)
$5 (or b/o) / All Ages
This is a semi-regular show of semi-controlled performance art chaos. Al may or may not cook some chili around 8pm that might or might not be vegan. At 8:30pm, the performance should begin full-force. Inspired by a local philanthropic group's suggestion that small, local arts groups should consider shutting down; some artists will stage a satirical end to a fictional gallery. Who knows what sort of crazed hilarity will ensue.
SUN 1/13
9:00 PM
Hats and Glasses, The Gondiliers, Prince Rama of Ayodhya
at Milky Way Lounge, 403 Centre St, Jamaica Plain
FREE / $5 Suggested Donation
The indie-rock is free, but these Sunday shows are an experiment to see if people will support the payment of the bands. Consider giving a couple bucks. Maybe after hearing them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MON 1/14
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Ice Skating at the Frog Pond
at Frog Pond, Boston Common, Boston
I'm pretty sure it's free tonight. Save the $4 admission, but skate rental is $8.
MON 1/14
Viva Viva, Drug Rug, Carter Tanton
at Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
MON 1/14
Eugene S. Robinson, "Fight": Reading
at Borders Books, 511 Boylston St, Boston (Back Bay)
Bouncer, singer, and author will read from his new book about life as a bouncer and generally the toughest, baddest guy in room. If you liked "Roadhouse" with Patrick Swayze, you'll love the more intellectual "Fight". If you dig this, there's a $8 performance at Church (fka Linwood Grill) that starts at 9pm with heavy-metal spoken-word dude Duncan Wilder Johnson and new band Harney/Gittens.
MON 1/14
6:30pm to 8pm
Rep. Barney Frank, "We Told You So: A Liberal Perspective on 21st Century Capitalism"
at Littauer Building, 1st floor, 79 JFK St, Cambridge (Kennedy School of Government)
"In this address, Representative Frank will discuss the changes in the financial marketplace and offer suggestions on what we must do to ensure that our regulatory system is able to keep up with those changes. Mr. Frank will also discuss the excessive and growing income inequality which has resulted from a diminished regulatory environment and an economy where productivity gains and free trade legislation has produced greater total income but income that is distributed unevenly, largely benefiting owners and executives but largely leaving out the middle class."
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TUES 1/15
Boston Molasses Disaster (11:40pm), Mark Lipman Band (11pm), Marc Sincavage Band (10:15pm), Hot Molasses (9:35pm), Oh My Gods! (9pm), "Introduction To Benefit" (8:50pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)
A bunch of jammy/pop-rock/soul/folk bands commemorate the anniversary of Boston's molasses flood (Jan 15, 1919). Some of the proceeds benefit the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
TUES 1/15
"The Night Of The Hunter"
in Video Screening Room, Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline
Largely overlooked when it first came out, it's a classic that still might not get its due. The camera work is amazing, and the acting superb. "The Night Of The Hunter" is an excellent examination of good and evil. A discussion will follow.
For tattoo people, this is where Robert Mitchum's crazy preacher character has "LOVE" and "HATE" on his knuckles.
TUES 1/15
11:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM
Chowda Day
at Legal Seafoods -- Burlington Mall, Copley Place, Chestnut Hill, Framingham, South Shore Plaza, King of Prussia Locations
Get a lunchtime cup of chowder at the takeout counter of participating locations. One cup per person, while supplies last.
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WED 1/16
6pm to 8pm
Majora Carter, "Building Sustainable Cities"
at Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston (Copley Sq)
MacArthur Grant recipient Majora Carter is the founder and director of Sustainable South Bronx. She works to improve the urban environment, while promoting economic development, and addressing poverty. I imagine she might improve your view of our own city.
WED 1/16
8:30pm to 11:30pm
The Chandler Travis Philharmonic
at Toast Lounge, 70 Union Sq, Somerville (near the Indepemdent)
A fun, rock/jazz/pop/soul/R&B stew that starts and finishes early. I assume so they can drive back to the Cape...
Also playing next WED.
WED 1/16
"Jumper": Sneak Preview & Discussion
at Room 100, Bldg 26, 60 Vassar St, Cambridge (MIT Campus)
Hayden Christensen stars in this teleportation sci-fi flick, and he is expected to be on the panel with the film's director, a couple MIT physics professors who will make the Hollywood guys look like idiots. It'll be hard to get in because MIT people have preferred admission, but you can try if you like.
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THUR 1/17
Todne Texeira Jazz Band
at Alchemist Lounge, 435 S. Huntington Ave, Jamaica Plain
Todne Texeira has a beautifully classic jazz voice.
THUR 1/17
7 PM
Kimya Dawson -- Performance & Autograph Signing
at Newbury Comics, 332 Newbury St, Boston (Back Bay)
Haven't seen "Juno" yet, but Kimya Dawson has about 5 songs on the soundtrack. I'm guessing she'll do at least one of those in the brief set, but Kimya seems to follow her own star... I thought it was admirable that she refused to cross the picket line to play on Conan O'Brien.
THUR 1/17
5pm to 8pm
Ivan Navarro, "No Man's Land": Opening Reception
at Tufts Art Gallery, Aidekman Arts Center, 40 Talbot Ave, Medford (Tufts campus)
Chilean-born Modern artist Ivan Navarro is on the rise in the art world. There was even a piece on him in the NY Times Magazine in November. There's definitely strong messages in his work, and he uses light in unconventional ways. He's giving a talk from 5pm to 6pm tonight, and you might be able to chat & snack afterwards.
THUR 1/17
Brian Marsden, "Impact! Finding and Tracking Asteroid Threats": Lecture & Observatory Night
at Phillips Auditorium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge (between Harvard Sq and Fresh Pond)
"In late 2007, astronomers spotted an asteroid with a chance of hitting Mars on January 30th. Whether it strikes or not, this incident reminds us that we are in a cosmic "shooting gallery." How do astronomers find and track asteroids, and predict which ones may hit a planet? Brian Marsden, director emeritus of the Minor Planet Center, has the answers along with anecdotes from the scary to the amusing (that's no asteroid, it's a spacecraft!)."
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FRI 1/18
Deer Tick, Yoni Gordon & the Goods, Merganser, American Hornets
at PA's Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville (Union Sq)
$8 -- 21+ / $11 -- 18+
FRI 1/18
Apple Betty (11:30pm), Classic Ruins (10:30pm), The In Out (9:30pm)
at Castlebar, 575 Washington St, Brighton (Oak Sq)
$5 / 21+
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SAT 1/19
Lyres, The Prime Movers, The Time Beings, The Sprained Ankles
at Middle East - Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$9 / 18+
CD Release show for Greg Shaw tribute CD "He Put The Bomp In The Bomp"
SAT 1/19
Marah, Adam and Dave’s Bloodline, AM Stereo
at Middle East - Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)
$10 advance / $12 day of show / 18+
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Link of the Week:
Don't pay full price for the theatre! Besides the kiosks at Copley Sq and Faneuil Hall, you can pay an extra surcharge at the ArtsBoston website.
Maybe you'll go see a buddy's cousin's play at the BCA this week, "This Is Our Youth"...
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Quotes of the Week:
"You can buy food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health;
soft beds, but not sleep; knowledge but not intelligence;
glitter, but not comfort; fun, but not pleasure;
acquaintances, but not friendship; servants, but not faithfulness;
grey hair, but not honor; quiet days, but not peace.
The shell of all things you can get for money. But not the kernel. That cannot be had for money."
-- Arne Garborg, writer
"Wow, the guys at the base camp look like ants..."
-- Sir Edmund Hillary, Mt. Everest, 5/29/53
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Cheap Thrills: 1/11 to 1/18
Posted by
rob v
1/12/2008 01:31:00 PM
Labels: weekly list
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